Political, radical, incendiary: such has been Dread Scott’s artistic practice for the past thirty years, with works that bridge art and activism by intimately connecting the visual with the social. Through mediums ranging from street performance to video, photography, and printmaking, Dread Scott confronts injustices head-on, raisng the uncomfortable question of social responsibility. Curated by UNO Assistant Professor of Art History Anna Mecugni, The Power of Resistance brings together a selection of prints and video works from the past two decades. It features posters from the ongoing Statements series, begun in 2018, and videos including Welcome to America (2001), Money to Burn (2010), and Stop (2012), which denounce the underlying racism, xenophobia, and down-right absurdity of common, legal practices in today’s profit-driven, de-humanizing capitalist societies. An opening reception will be held October 12th from 6pm-9pm at UNO Saint Claude Gallery.